Saturday 18 December 2010

sods law

woke up to find the whole world had been urinated on by the god of snow and this helped me immediately reach the conclusion that  i did not want to today to be my 5th day in my room, and i was going to venture outside for the first time in what has seemed like 100 days. after layering myself up i went to the station. next train - 40 mins. ok fine. ipod in gloves on, keep warm. a guy who looked like the exact replica of a man out of the matrix (earpiece in all) decided to sit next to me whilst whistling a 20 minute sympahany. well done. train delayed - 10 mins. i cannot feel my hands and i'm not sure my legs are still attatched to my hips and i have convinced myself that one of my toes has falled off. train arrived, got on, so warm my body tingled. first stop, off i get.

BAM slipped over in the snow.

next time i'll stay in bed thankyou very much.

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