Tuesday 21 December 2010

todays ten thoughts

1) my head hurts
2) complete knew love for Jamie T, especially Emily's Heart
3) don't bother lying to me
4) what the actual hell
5) physics revision can do one
6) its 3 sleeps til christmas and i have yet to put our christmas tree up,
7) i miss my hartley
8) i would like to go to sleep now thankyou very much, but its 12.23 and then i won't wake up for a doctors appointment at 3
9) i miss my kittens
10a) i'm pretty happy with my tummy
10b)what am i going to wear on christmas day?

ok so maybe that was technically 11 thoughts
and if i could add a 10c it would be; does going to the doctors with no makeup, trackies, a hoodie and boots make me a slob? or lazy? some would say it shows im "real", but i think i'll go with lazy.

Sunday 19 December 2010

 love this beach love black and white love her
 tiny little people
 love the sky so much
 lonerrr fisherman this is about 2 years old in summer
 5th november 2009 as quickly as the year feels like its gone, this photo seems like a decade ago
 love this, so much spray from the sea but it looks like foggyness, love the sea like this, was such an amazing day
2 years ago on the way to school dad and stopped to take photos of the sun on the sea

Saturday 18 December 2010

 found the craziest night setting thing on my camera
 fancy dress day we decided to suprise our form tutor and dress as him
 charity shop find, now all cut up in my cupboard
love the sky love that holiday love that month love jaime

sods law

woke up to find the whole world had been urinated on by the god of snow and this helped me immediately reach the conclusion that  i did not want to today to be my 5th day in my room, and i was going to venture outside for the first time in what has seemed like 100 days. after layering myself up i went to the station. next train - 40 mins. ok fine. ipod in gloves on, keep warm. a guy who looked like the exact replica of a man out of the matrix (earpiece in all) decided to sit next to me whilst whistling a 20 minute sympahany. well done. train delayed - 10 mins. i cannot feel my hands and i'm not sure my legs are still attatched to my hips and i have convinced myself that one of my toes has falled off. train arrived, got on, so warm my body tingled. first stop, off i get.

BAM slipped over in the snow.

next time i'll stay in bed thankyou very much.

Friday 17 December 2010

i hope no one reads this
miss you iceland, i promise i shall revisit you one day, you suprised me with your natural beauty - a rarity these days.

i'm getting to regular about this

"When it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I'm already better than them."
— Marilyn Monroe
my beautiful friend showed me this, and i couldnt agree more with it, it instantly reminded me of the hours i spend "facebook stalking" people for no apparent reason, when really i should be revising how boyles gas law states that p1v1=p2v2..i think. 
"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."

discovered this when i was 12, and had come out of a 6 month relationship, if you could even call it that. i really am pathetic. but i love how i thought that was the worst time of my life - ever. little did i know 3 or 4 years later i'd be faced with tackling mock revision, bitchy boys, bitchy girls and big messy arguements with the one woman i am never meant to say a bad word about - my mum.

all rather new

Okay well i'm pretty excited to start this, although i know it will never get anywhere because as my mum says "you never stick to anything". Such a shame she knows me too well. Because i never do. And don't expect this to be the exception, in fact i'm already contemplating if i want to begin this.. oh well i can only try and see how things goes.