Monday 31 January 2011


oh brighton, i promise to visit you several days in the summer
£3 shirt, done. £3 headscarf, done.
not thattt into all the vintage stuff but i loved my headscarf from beyond retro which was a totally knew experience thanks to jaime, never would have gone there otherwise. yosushi for lunch, can't complain. train journey home was without a doubt the best part, never knew 4 girls, and 4 ipods could cause so much annoyance for a train carriage! chinese at jaimes house with izy and rosie followed by snuggles and deep chats whilst having my face tickled by jaime - what a perfect night. such a great day in a while. definitely be doing that again.
i find no comfort in what my mind can't comprehend

Monday 3 January 2011

long johns

been a while, got too caught up in christmas and swine flu and mock revision to even attempt to add more to this so i feel a few photos to update this empty pocket of the internet with my boring insignificant life would be sufficient. oh yes, swine flu? felt ill on boxing day and by 9pm i was in bed crying, got woken up by two paramedics (one of them made me feel better instantly purely due to the fact that he was b-e-a-u-tiful) and after concluding i was ta..k..e.a...cardic (excuse the spelling) labelling my heart as super stupidly dangerously fast, we took a trip in the ambulance to hospital. after many checkups and numerous tests and little freckled indian woman, half the height of my 5ft4 self, prodded my ribs and massaged my belly confirmed that it was in fact swine flu. oh how very dramatic. but apart from that, my 7 day rest from revision, in bed with catch-up tv and vaious magazines recovering from eating a whole turkey and the obvious, swiners, my christmas was lovely. and new year? i went to a friends last minute and after reaching the conclusion that i can consume alcohol whilst on the swiney antibiotics that i'm on i let loose, and when sitting in a field watching fireworks across "ma hometown" i decided it would be a good idea to lie down on the wet grass to have a quick cat nap, only to wake up to an extremely wet bum and various humerous photos the next day of my homeward journey unaware of the 3 grassy wet patches on my behind...
hey tilly willlly
 oh jlf - i love ya
 stupid hand stupid pout charity find jumper that day its so cosy i'm so proud
 i thought this would be an appropriate pose to convey my emotion of just entering 2011
 frankie - i adore you, even if it does look like i've just fallen asleep on your face
 posing for a joke - we look hilarious
 ah dear

Tuesday 21 December 2010

todays ten thoughts

1) my head hurts
2) complete knew love for Jamie T, especially Emily's Heart
3) don't bother lying to me
4) what the actual hell
5) physics revision can do one
6) its 3 sleeps til christmas and i have yet to put our christmas tree up,
7) i miss my hartley
8) i would like to go to sleep now thankyou very much, but its 12.23 and then i won't wake up for a doctors appointment at 3
9) i miss my kittens
10a) i'm pretty happy with my tummy
10b)what am i going to wear on christmas day?

ok so maybe that was technically 11 thoughts
and if i could add a 10c it would be; does going to the doctors with no makeup, trackies, a hoodie and boots make me a slob? or lazy? some would say it shows im "real", but i think i'll go with lazy.

Sunday 19 December 2010

 love this beach love black and white love her
 tiny little people
 love the sky so much
 lonerrr fisherman this is about 2 years old in summer
 5th november 2009 as quickly as the year feels like its gone, this photo seems like a decade ago
 love this, so much spray from the sea but it looks like foggyness, love the sea like this, was such an amazing day
2 years ago on the way to school dad and stopped to take photos of the sun on the sea